Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Get Your Health and Your Smile Back

Those who have several missing teeth and other dental issues may want to consider asking us about full-mouth rehabilitation. Full mouth rehabilitation includes any number of procedures that make your mouth and smile healthy and beautiful!
Full mouth rehabilitation, sometimes called full mouth restoration, may include inserting dental implants, crowns, bridges, veneers, filling cavities, and addressing other problems like gum disease. It’s an all-inclusive term to cover all aspects of oral care when there are several issues to resolve.

Whitening at the Office

Both products used in a dental office and at home contain the whitening agent, which is a form of hydrogen peroxide. The difference is the strength. Products used by a dentist have a stronger element to them because the dentist is a professional who can safely use them. Home products are required to have a much lower amount of the whitening agent in them.

The products and equipment used to mean those who get their smile brightened by a dentist will see a visible difference when they leave the office. Those who do it at home will need to try it a few times to see a difference. The other advantage of getting your smile brightened by a professional is it will last longer. Teeth whitening in a dental office will last between one and three years. Whitening done at home will only last about six months.

Your Mouth Leads to Health

An important aspect of keeping up with oral care and the need for a full mouth rehabilitation is that a healthy mouth will keep a person’s body healthier, and longer. That’s because people tend to change their diet depending on their ability to chew, the lack of teeth, and pain chewing. Often, their diet becomes less nutritious as their oral health declines and that leads to other physical ailments in the mouth and elsewhere. It’s important to have functioning teeth and healthy gums for chewing but also heart and brain health. Missing teeth is linked to Alzheimer’s Disease and gum problems are linked to heart issues.

The Difference in an Implant

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Getting a full-mouth rehabilitation isn't one big procedure so no one should be overwhelmed at the thought of it. It happens following a treatment plan recommended by your dentist and any other dental specialists who may be involved in surgery, periodontal work, or other aspects.

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The plan isn't typically cut-and-dry either. You may have to change dates for some procedures because life happens or because of financial concerns. Your dentist will work with you to ensure you remain on the path of a true full mouth rehabilitation however long it takes.

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It could take a couple of years to do everything the dentist suggests. There is typically some time between getting an extraction and an implant to give the gum time to heal. This isn't a quick process but it can be done at your pace.

The Cost

A full mouth rehabilitation can be costly depending on what needs to be done. Oral surgery is going to cost more than other procedures. However, many insurances cover these types of things because there is a medical reason to get it done. You and your dental staff will need to check with insurance before going through a procedure to find out what is paid for and what is your responsibility.
We have financial options for procedures the insurance doesn’t cover, so be sure to ask.
The benefit of getting mouth function back is a good practical reason to consider full mouth rehabilitation. However, getting your smile back is probably going to be what you remember. Schedule an appointment for an exam today!
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