Dental Bridges in Cambridge, ON

The Truth About Bridges

Dental bridges are highly functional appliances to replace missing teeth. They have long been considered a great way to improve appearance as well as chewing function. Although dental implants are now the preferred replacement method for missing teeth, some people will do as well or better with a dental bridge.

The Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is an artificial tooth that sits in the gap created by missing teeth. The gap is bridged with a crown on the two natural teeth that sit on either side of the gap. A dental bridge can replace one tooth or a row of teeth. They can be customized by the dentist to match your natural teeth shade.

Installing a Bridge

There is also dental bonding to restore chipped and cracked teeth and veneers to strengthen weak teeth or give them an even appearance.

Installing a Bridge

Some people are surprised to find there is more than one type of dental bridge. There are four:
Traditional dental
Cantilever dental
Dental Bridges in Cambridge, ON
Maryland dental
The traditional dental bridge is the most common and has crowns on the teeth on each side of the gap with the false teeth in the middle. The cantilever bridge has a crown on one tooth and the Maryland dental bridge switches out the crowns for metal winds to secure the bridge. The wings are bonded to the back of the natural teeth nearby to hold the bridge in place. The implant-support bridge uses dental implants for support rather than the natural teeth on both sides of the bridge.

What to Choose?

The type of dental bridge you get depends on any number of factors that your dentist will guide you through. Factors include your age, the number of missing teeth, the condition of other natural teeth next to the gap, and your overall oral health.

The Procedure

Installing the different types of bridges will mean differences in procedures but generally, four things will happen during the first office visit. You will need to come back for a follow-up visit to install the permanent bridge as it must be custom-designed.

The dentist will give you local anesthesia to relieve any pain or discomfort.

The dentist will look at your abutment teeth to see if they need to be reshaped for crowns or other devices.

Dental impressions will be made.

You will get a temporary bridge that you will wear until the permanent one is ready. In some cases, this takes two to four weeks.

The second office visit consists of removing the temporary dental bridge, checking the fit of the permanent bridge, and cementing the new bridge in place. Crowns will need to be installed too. Implant-supported bridges will require oral surgery because the implants need to be placed into your jawbone.

Advantages of a Dental Bridge

Dental bridges help restore chewing and some speech functions and prevent teeth next to the gap from shifting into it. They are also usually cheaper than dental implants and are more often covered by dental insurance. You don’t have to live with mi
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