Local Anaesthesia

Local Anaesthesia Helps Patients

The idea of regular fluoride treatments at a dental office may not be part of many patients’ routines but, for some, these treatments can prevent cavities or even reverse tooth decay.
Fluoride is an organic mineral that is already in a person’s bones and teeth. It can be found in plants, rocks, the air, soil, and water. However, the amounts naturally occurring are fairly insignificant.
That is why governments felt decades ago that adding fluoride to water would be a way to help prevent cavities and bone loss. Fluoride can also be found in toothpaste, mouth rinses, and supplements. The problem is that isn’t as much as what a dentist would use in a fluoride treatment. Fluoride helps strengthen enamel, which prevents cavities.

Using a Local Anaesthetic

A local anaesthesic is different from general anaesthesia or sedation therapy. A local anaesthesic numbs the area the dentist will work on so you won't feel any pain. You will feel some pressure but not the pain that comes from using the tools or stitching up a wound.

The chemical works because it blocks the local nerves from sending signals to the brain regarding pain. Unlike using general anaesthesia or sedation therapy, a local anaesthetic leaves you completely awake and alert. You will be able to drive yourself home after a dental procedure.

General anaesthesia puts a patient completely to sleep and is used for long or complicated procedures. Some dental surgeries may call for it but most dentists prefer and recommend using local anestesthics because they are safer.

Sedation therapy will put you in a twilight zone. They don't affect or reduce pain but make you feel more comfortable while you are undergoing a dental procedure. Dentists will also use a local anesthetic when they do your procedure even with sedation therapy.

Types of Local anaesthesia

Three types of local anaesthesia are typically used in many dental procedures. There is the local topical version that is rubbed onto the area first. This is to numb the skin so the injection won’t hurt as much.

The injected local anaesthesia is then shot into the area where the work is done. This completely numbs that area. Most dentists will work only one side of the mouth at a time so your whole mouth doesn’t feel numb.

The third type of local anaesthesia is a nerve blocker. These are used for more complicated procedures like root canals or some oral surgeries.

Local anaesthesia tends to wear off gradually in an hour or two.

Side Effects and Allergies

Local anaesthesia has few if any side effects, especially compared to general anaesthesia. The only possible side effect is nausea. Allergies are also rare and are usually a reaction to epinephrine rather than the anesthetic. The two types of reported reactions are a skin rash or swelling at the injection site.
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